9 Tips For New Mom’s

For first-time moms, the transition to motherhood can can be quite difficult.Taking care of an infant while still adjusting to the major changes  can leave most mothers really overwhelmed.

Luckily, there are coping methods and solutions to help ease through delicate times.

Below I have listed some tips which I myself have found useful when I became a new mom. I hope they are helpful  for you as well!

1. Breast Feeding

Many moms are unable to offer breast milk to their children. The reasons vary. If you are a member of that club, please don’t feel disheartened. You are not any less of a mother. Fortunately there are excellent alternatives for breast milk provided by Nature such coconut milk. Breast milk alternatives provide ample nutrients to your munchkin alhamdulillah. If you are worried about missing out on vital minerals and nutrients, then don’t be! Coconut milk baby formula meets all the crucial vitamins and minerals for growing healthy and strong.

Here is a table that compares nutrients of coconut milk formula recipe to breast milk. NOTE this is only comparison, there are other safe alternatives for breast milk as well.

Thank you Dr Josh Axe !

Click here for coconut milk baby formula recipe as given by Dr Josh Axe

2. Rest Please

Get rest whenever, wherever and however long you can. You have only just given birth and your body needs rest and time to heal from the ordeal it went through. Power naps of 20 mins throughout the day are good enough for the body to repair and recover. Want to produce the best breast milk for your baby? You need sleep too! The household chores can wait for a while. Take it easy mommies!

3. Eating healthy

Try to eat healthy as much as possible, and drink enough water. A main reason for not producing breast milk is lack of proper nutrients in the mothers body. For lactating, mothers need to have a diet based on high protein and healthy fat. Craving fried foods? Just eat it! A diet high in saturated and healthy fats helps your body to produce more breast milk. Don’t forget water. dehydration is an invisible criminal that can affect the quality of your milk. Drink plenty of water based on your body’s need.

4. Ask And Accept Help

Ask for help and don’t feel ashamed. We know you are a super mom and a multitasking genius, but now is not the time to preform balancing acts. Your brain needs the relaxation as well. Ask for help from family, friends or nannies. You don’t have to do everything alone. It is ok to let some one else do the task for you, Boss Mom 😉

5. Make Your Husband Work Too

Involve your spouse and break the ice. Assign small duties such as diaper changing, when he is at home. In this way, he gets to spend some one-on-one time with the bub while you get a little break from the baby duties. Playing with the baby, or even napping are all quality moments for the father to enjoy while you rest your soul. In case the little one is formula fed, he could help out with cleaning the feeding bottle and preparing the formula milk

6. Network With Moms

Make some mom-friends near you, or join a support group online. Fellow moms know exactly what you are going through and can offer you valuable advice and support. Also you need some adult interaction big time! A few small moments of connecting with another mother can lower your cortisol (the stress hormone) and release serotonin (happy hormones).

7. Self Care Is Important

Squeeze 20 or at least 10 minutes out for yourself everyday. It’s imperative for your emotional wellbeing. Do something you like whether that be having a small snack, reading a book or simply lying down on your bed. Something as simple as getting sunlight can increase your serotonin levels and give your body much needed Vitamin D. That’s also a part of self care and looking after yourself. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Your baby needs your care and attention. This is the best time to become a strong version of yourself which can only be accomplished by you looking after you!

 8. Mother’s Instincts

Trust your instinct. If you feel something is wrong with your baby, pay heed to that. Most often than not you will be correct. A mother’s intuition can guide her to look our for her baby. This just how nature intends things to be.

9. Heartfelt Prayers

Lastly, make tons of du’a (prayer)  so that Allah ‘azza wa jall Makes this journey easy for you.

 Still feel nervous? InshaAllah you will survive this just like all other new moms. Anytime in doubt remember, Allah ‘azza wa jall Chose you to be a mom because He Knows you have what it takes to be one.

Share you mommy tips and we would love to feature you !

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23 thoughts on “9 Tips For New Mom’s

    1. asalamu alaikum sister 🙂
      for mothers who can not produce breast milk then this coconut milk formula matches with mothers breast milk. yes it can help the baby to grow and meet its nutrients requirements from milk 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Raising a baby is not a baby game….the 9 pointers you have written are so correct….taking rest and listing to your instinct…I totally agree with these….when we lived in joint families…we had people around to take care of us and the baby…by being in nuclear families and that too in far away countries/places…handling a baby is a huge task…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. this is such a great list of tips. I found after giving birth to my first that talking to other mums really helped. everything was so alien to me so getting to know other mum’s experiences always helped.


  3. Some great tips!

    However I think sometimes it is easy enough to say the household chores can wait but the reality is sometimes they can’t..when you have a busy household with other young children then stuff needs to get done whether you are tired or not.


  4. Some great tips!

    However I think sometimes it is easy enough to say the household chores can wait but the reality is sometimes they can’t..when you have a busy household with other young children then stuff needs to get done whether you are tired or not.


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