Cellulite Remover Coffee Bean Scrub

Whose got cellutlite? I DO ! And just about every other person on this planet has it or had it before they used expensive laser treatments to get rid of it. All those expensive cellulite creams and scrubs have one thing in common – your hands. No matter what you use, all those potions requires you to massage vigorously and continue this process for a certain amount of time.  So why waste money on something you can make yourself and get equal results with? Don’t clean out your coffee maker! Save all that coffee bean waste you think has no good use. This super easy coffee bean scrub smells amazing and polishes of dead skin cells. Massaging and applying pressure increases blood flow and smoothes out the cellulite cells. And that’s exactly how to care for those dimpled body parts. Massage, exfoliate and drinking enough water will improve those troubled areas. Don’t just use this once and forget it though. Continue this for a few weeks and see your thighs ( or other cellulite attacked areas )  smooth out.


  1. Leftover ground coffee bean from your coffee maker
  2. Keep your body dry (so scurb before you shower)
  3. Start by scrubing your troubled areas, thights / hips etc, and scrub with pressure. Take your time! The more you massage the more you stimulate blood veins.
  4. Brush in up and down motion


What Is Cellulite

 Cellulite is just normal fat underneath the skin. The fat seems  bumpy because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above it to pucker and dimple. Having cellulite doesn’t mean you are overweight. Even skinny people can have it. If you are overweight, however, losing weight may reduce cellulite. Cellulite forms in areas with the least blood circulation so it means that area has least activity, it’s very hard to budge. If you are consistent with energising  and warming movements (exercise and massage) then saying goodbye to cellulite is as easy as setting up a workout routine. Off course, we women get cellulite more than men because mother nature blessed us with estrogen that seems to wreak havoc even when a little bit off balance. But cursing our hormones won’t to any good considering we have the power to balance them. So if you are inactive in your daily lifestyle (less movement/exercise, not eating/drinking properly), cellulite will be a big fan os settling down on you.

How Massage Actually Works

Body Brush Daily! Body brushing and stroking in the direction towards your heart will increase blood flow and increase fat dispersion. A strong-handed massage on the thighs will work too.  Keep up with this routine as consistency is the key to ridding that orange peel skin syndrome.

Cellulite Creams

  • Centella asiatica is the key ingredient in cellulite creams. This restores the elastic quality of skin.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a powerful antioxidant that effectively oxidises fat cells that are present below the skin’s surface and helps to increase blood circulation by strengthening the veins.
  • Methyl nicotinate promotes the decongestion of tissues, reducing the amount of retained liquid. It also stimulates the drainage of liquids and toxins.

But all this happens at a microscopic level. So you can not expect wowing results after using these creams a few times. You still need to incorporate exercise, scrubbing and proper eating.

Off Course Exercise

If you didn’t already get the point : the goal is to increase blood flow and disperse the fat cells. Exercise results in the same affect. Reducing over all fat will reduce cellulite, improve metabolism and balance hormones. So it’s a triple whammy!

2 thoughts on “Cellulite Remover Coffee Bean Scrub

  1. Cellulite , stretch marks I have it all! I have learnt to accept it but indeed you are right loosing weight has helped incredibly in tackling the cellulite! Coffee bean scrub there’s no harm in giving it a go! 😊


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